BlackBerry vs Apple..!

Some days ago, in one of my bachelor course, I found the course leader comparing between two giant tech companies, Blackberry and Apple. The situation was about the strategies undertaken by these two companies and how Apple is the ‘RIGHT’ one between them.
Apple has aced their way to the top with their great perseverance to stay unique and relevant to the customers. Blackberry on the other hand, once was a key player who played side by side with Samsung or Nokia in the last decade. Strategically, they have shifted their focus from consumer market to B2B customers offering products like device security solution, BB Protect, BB Spark UEM Suit, along with some well built smartphones like Blackberry K2 series.
What rang my bell is, a company like Blackberry Limited, which has an excellent success history, a dynamic portfolio and huge future potential, has been called WRONG in front of a mentionable number of young students. Just because Apple Inc being exceptionally good in the consumer market, that does not make other companies and their strategies wrong and cannot be stated as ‘To not be followed’.
In my sense, each business has stories which are well worthy of our time and attention. The approach to teach young minds using the example of the best performer may blindside many young enthusiast to some serious extent. We must give a thought about that!
(Being triggered about the fact, I looked forward on how good Blackberry is doing. In the comment section, I have added some screenshots of their income statement published in New York Stock Exchange, Wall Street)